Before we start that how to find the most popular Hashtags you need to know details about the hashtags. See the link of Hashtags Meanings where you can find the complete understand about the hashtags.
Actually hashtags were originally created by the twitter for their content organizing but after the particularities of this new innovation many other social media channels like tumbler, pintrest, Instagram,google plus and many other sites used this hashtags Technics.
Twitter and Instagram hashtag is good place to reach people who are not directly connected to your account. If you the hashtags then your post distributed every where in the network of network in twitter or many other social media networking sites.
Mow we come to the point of how to Find the Most popular Hashtags:
1) Trending Hashtags On Twitter Page

Find the Trending Hashtags on the Home page of the Twitter accounts. When you visit the twitter you can see the most trending hashtags on the twitter page.
2) Trending Hashtags By Location on Trendsmap

Trendsmap is a good website to maps the hastags by the location and its easy for everyone to search by hastags by resion. Trendsmap website visualize topics trending globally, nationally, and in your city.
3) Popular Hashtags in Website

4) Search Hashtags In Tagdef Website

5) Find Top Hashtags in is website that provide the Most Advanced Twitter Hashtags Searching and Hashtagify allows us to search billion of Twitter hashtags from their platform. In above example you can see the advance search for the #food hashtag.