To create short url of the your websites or links is very popular. Its proper use impact more visitor to your site because many people aware of the links you are posting to social media sites.
But if you use url shorting techniques then it will increase your traffics because people are unaware of the actual url and they can visit your links.

What URL Shortening actually do?
Many sites developed and it allow you to create the free short url of your links, those site take the original url and process the url in to their system and make short url of the original links and store them database and when we try to access the shorten url then the url shorten hosting site search that url in their database and find the orignial url from that url and redirect to that page.
Many website allow us to create the shorten url free of charge and are listed below. To short url you just need to your link into the url text box and create or copy the url from that site.