If I post about How to get more Twitter Followers then you think it will be not genuine script or its a automated system, But I clarify here that Twiends is a different type of tools that work follow for follow and its same as like for like system works as i mentioned on previous post about Get Free Facebook Likes.
To get more followers you need tweeter account already logged in and then you can sign in with that Twitter Account into Twiends SignIn.

This is one of the Most Popular Online Tools because it not an automated means when you sign up on Twiends then your account doe’s not follow to any other it follow only you want it and this works different then other auto follower scripts.
Other benefit of using the Twiends is that It allow the Targeted Twitter Follower and it can be help full for the local business to prompt their product on targeted local follower.
Twiends is online website and it works likes Twitter Exchange Program. If you follow some one then other will follow you, but its depend on the rank of your following means more you follow then your rank is as per your follower rate and you get more twitter follower.
I know the above method of follow some one and you get more twitter follow is odd and every one can boring and person who do business and does not have much time can;t do this thing. For this situation Twiends also provides the more option of Features and Want more people to discover, follow and connect with you? Then feature yourself prominently on Twiends. It’s quick, easy, and delivers great results! For big business the amount is not important then time can use the Features options.

This online Twiends tools may be not like every one but some person will like this tool who has not any twitter follower and want to increase their follower. As per my review the Twiends is best then other online tools to get more twitter follower.