Most of the web site require the File upload functionality, Its normal script that can be done using the html file upload control and php script. But today it require user friendly and fast file upload with progress bar.
We know variety of the file upload script available over the internet which includes jquery file upload and php file upload script. Jquery File upload has many features like single file upload, multiple file upload, post file uploads, drag and drop file uploads.
jQuery Upload File plugin provides Multiple file Uploads with progress bar that Works with any server-side platform. If you are beginner for the jquery and want to learn more about the jquery then you can find more jquery tutorial with link 
Jquery Tutorials For Beginers.
Here i am going to write the article with many Free File Upload Widget that has many features like multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio.

1) jQuery File Upload Demo


best jquery file upload or Free file upload


Jquery File Upload widget is totally free file upload plugin with many server side platform support like PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java. It provide the supports with multiple file selection, validation and preview images, drag&drop support, progress bars, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads and client-side image resizing.  This is a file upload jquery widget for the websites.

2) Mini AJAX File Upload Form


Mini AJAX File Upload Form


Mini AJAX File Upload Form is file upload form that allow to upload files from their browsers with drag/drop or by selecting them individually. It combine the powerful File Upload plugin using jquery with the neat jQuery Knob to present a slick CSS3 & Javascript driven interface.

3) DropzoneJs Open Source File Upload

DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag&drop file uploads with image previews. It’s lightweight, doesn’t depend on any other library like jQuery and is highly customizable.


DropzoneJS Open Source File Uploader


4) jquery Simple File Preview Multiple File Upload

SimpleFilePreview is a free jQuery plug-in that allows for pre-form submission file previews on images and icon previews for non-images. It is extremely simple and the UI allows for easy CSS styling.


jquery Simple File Preview Multiple File Upload


5) Picture Cut Open Source File Upload Jquery Plugin

Picture Cut is a free and open source jquery plugin that handles images in a very friendly and simple way. It has a beautiful interface based on bootstrap or jquery ui, has great features like ajax upload, drag image from explorer. It has great features of image crop during the time of upload.


Picture Cut Open Source File Upload Jquery Plugin


6) Ajax Image upload Previewer


File Upload Preview Demo


Ajax Image upload Previewer show the preview of the selected image before upload it.

7) Ajax Upload and Resize an Image with PHP


Ajax Upload and Resize an Image with PHP


Picture Cut Open Source File Upload Jquery Plugin


This is the custom ajax file upload with resize function of the image with php server side script.
If you are going to build the commercial site with a high budget then you can use the premium file upload script which are available over the internet. Find the below list of the paid file upload script.

8) Fine Uploader Premium


Fine Uploader Premium File Uploader


Fine uploader is free for the personal use but it is not free for the commercial purpose.
Fine Uploader is the easiest javascript file uploader library to set up.Code examples are provided, whether you are using a jQuery wrapper, or plain JavaScript.Fine Uploader commercial licenses are available for purchase right from our website.

9) PlUpload Premium Jquery UI File Upload

This script can be integrated on HTML5 website with ease and provide Use any form type uploading options. This provide the many features like add multiple files, flash based progress bar, image resizing on the fly, queued files, error message , total file size, progress bar.


PlUpload Jquery UI File Upload Premium


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